Chocolate Bars

Mattie Petersheim


½ cup oleo or butter (1 stick)

¾ cup sugar

2 eggs

2 Tablespoons cocoa

¾  cup Flour

¼ tsp. baking powder

Pinch of salt

1 teaspoon vanilla

Nuts if desired

Mix together well and  Spread out on cookie pan with sides.  Bake at 350 degrees.  Do not bake more than 20 minutes. 

Put 2 or 3 cups of miniature marshmallows on top; bake until they are melted.  

In saucepan, put 6 ounces chocolate chips and 1 cup peanut butter.  Melt, then add 1 ½ cups rice Krispies. 

When bars are cooled, spread it on top.