Ant Getter
(Keep away from children and pets)
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons boric acid
3 cups warm water
1 Mix the sugar and Boric Acic well.
2 Add the warm water slowly, mixing all the while so it won't be too lumpy.
3 Store in a jar.
4 When ready to use, put cotton into the top of a jar lid to fill it, and then saturate the cotton to the top.
5 Place where you want it; make several if you need it.
6 Will keep for a long while.
7 NOTE: I usually drip a drop or two over the edge of the lid to rest on the counter so they will find it sooner.
8 It sometimes takes a little while for them to find it, but find it they will.
9 When they do, let them alone; you will want to kill them because they look so creepy; but don't because they will hang over the edge of the lid and drink, drink, drink, and then take it back to the nest.