I saw Jesus today…

He was wearing an EMT jacket or a Fireman’s jacket and was telling people to leave their homes and businesses, a flood was coming.

I saw Jesus today…

He was driving a Nebraska State truck, he was stopping traffic so no one would be in harm’s way when a bridge collapsed.

I saw Jesus today….

The flood waters have receded leaving mud and destruction, but lives were spared, life goes on, the geese are migrating north.

I saw Jesus today…

He showed up at my door with a hug, a word of encouragement and an eagerness to help,

I saw Jesus today…

When a woman went out of her way to give a hug to a business owner and a home owner impacted by the flood, she headed down the street to give more hugs. It felt really good.

I saw Jesus today…

When a little girl passed our bottles of water.

I saw Jesus today…

When volunteers showed up with buckets and shovels and boxes and an eagerness to restore some form of normal.

I saw Jesus today…

When two ladies showed up carrying boxes of sandwiches and cookies and fruit for the volunteers who would not take time to eat.

I saw Jesus today…

When a farmer took in his flooded-out neighbor’s family, providing them with a roof over their heads and warmth and food.

I saw Jesus today…

He had his tractor and was feeding donated hay to a neighbor’s cattle.

I saw Jesus today…

He was a teenage boy who was taken care of the chicken and ducks from a flooded-out friend.

I saw Jesus today….

He was delivering paper towels, trash bags, clorax and rubber gloves. I know it was Jesus, he cared for my health and well being. He was not from here, He was a friend I had never met before.

I saw Jesus today….

He and several of his friends were carrying bucket after bucket of mud from the basements of homes, they also carried out hot water heaters, furnaces and precious memories.

I saw Jesus today…

He was a man, a woman, a child, he was young, he was old, He was rich, he was poor, but he gave of his time, his material wealth and his talents without needing thanked or recognized, he gave from his heart.

I saw Jesus today

He reminded me that He loves me. I know he is right; the Bible tells me so.

I saw Jesus today…

In the face of tragedy and hopelessness; when others chose to offer comfort and the gift of their presence…

When the darkness of this world closes in all around us…

God blesses us.

Delores Ruzicka