Peanut Butter Cornflake Brittle

1 cup sugar
1 cup white corn syrup
1 cup peanut butter (I always have my PB at room temp)
8 cups cornflakes
1/2 tsp. baking soda optional

I made in large stainless steel 6 qt. fry pan. (( Measure cornflakes and peanuts into large bowl put aside)) Bring syrup and sugar to boil. stirring. boil (1 to 2 min) turn off heat and add peanut butter, stirring until peanut butter is melted. Add baking soda at this time if using. ((I have made it with and without ))Pour in corn flakes and peanuts. Stir until flakes are coated. Turn onto 2 buttered cookie sheets, try to separate into bite size pieces. Cool, and Enjoy, I store in Tupperware with wax paper between layers.