Sand Clay


* 1 cup sand (you can use beach sand or purchase bagged sand)

* 1/2 cup cornstarch

* 1 tsp alum (sold in the spice section of the grocery store)

* 3/4 cup water * shells and rocks (optional – I bought mine at the Dollar Store)  

I doubled the recipe, and I would highly recommend you do too.   Pour the sand, cornstarch and alum into a saucepan.

I always like to let my kids do it.  Stir together your ingredients with a wooden spoon and then add water. 

Stir again until the mixture is smooth and the cornstarch is dissolved.  Cook the clay over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally. 

It should start to thicken within a few minutes.  Stir more vigorously, making sure to scrape the mixture from the sides and bottom of the pan.  

After a few minutes, the clay will have thickened to a dough-like material that can be molded and sculpted to your liking. 

Please allow for it to cool to the touch before you begin sculpting.  For best results, use the clay within a day or two of mixing it. 

Your kids will love building their own creations like sandcastles, fossils , hand prints or foot prints….let them play and be creative.