Thrifty way to clean those pesky burnt on food on a glass stovetop

Here’s what you’ll need:

•spray bottle

•white, distilled vinegar

•baking soda

•towel or washcloth

•razor scraper


Sprinkle baking soda all over your stovetop. Want to know a neat trick I found? Keep your old parmesan cheese containers (you know the ones you get near the pasta with grated parmesan) and put the baking soda in them. It will help with sprinkling baking soda, so it’s not all clumped together.


Spray the surface with vinegar. Wet the entire surface and let sit for 15 or more minutes while you let it do its thing.

Wipe down with a wet towel or washrag.

If there is still burnt food left on the cooking surface, use a razor scraper to scrape this food off. Caution: Do so very carefully to avoid damaging the stovetop.

If you don’t have a razor blade, and it all didn’t come off in the first soaking. Reapply it again. 


•Never clean a stovetop when it’s hot.

•For stains that are harder to remove, try using magic eraser (such as Mr. Clean or the like),

•To avoid the need for a razor scraper, try to clean up spills right after they happen. This can be hard because you have to remember to go back once the stovetop is cool to clean it. Try setting the timer on your stove to help you remember. If this isn’t possible then clean your stovetop before the next time you use it.