Homemade Streak-Free Window Cleaner


1/2 bottle of “Jet Dry” (the bottle I bought was just under 7 ounces so I measured out 3.5 ounces)

 4 Tablespoons  rubbing alcohol

 1/4 Cup Ammonia

 1 handful of powdered dish-washer soap (which depending on the size of your hand could probably vary quite a bit! lol.  I used a “handful” which looked to me to be about 1/4 cup.  Give or take.)

 2 Gallons of Hot Water

Mix all this in a bucket.


Squirt windows with powerful spray nozzle.


Use long handled brush (we used one of those car washing microfiber thingies) to dip in solution……


……and scrub windows thoroughly. 


Then spray windows thoroughly to rinse.